These tips help keep your world war 2 memorabilia safe

Do you have any old ww2 memorabilia? If so, you probably know that keeping it in good condition can be a challenge. Even if there are no visible signs of damage or dampness around your home, some items can still deteriorate over time. It is important to know how to keep your memorabilia safe so that it doesn’t end up as trash.

Listed below are4 simple tips on how to keep memorabilia safe from damage and deterioration. Follow them to successfully store or sellww2 memorabilia.

German daggers
Don’t leave it in direct sunlight

World war 2 memorabilia can become discoloured, brittle, and even disintegrate whenexposed to direct sunlight. Depending on an item and its qualities, doing so can be as harmful for it as leaving it out in the rain. When light colours are exposed to sunlight, theycan fade and become brittle. Sunlight can be especially harmful for photographs, paintings, and other items made from paper.

To avoid this, store your memorabilia in a cool, dark, dry place. If you have a lot of memorabilia, you can use an old suitcase to keep them away from direct sunlight. If you are storing your memorabilia in your house or garage that has a lot of sunlight, you should take precautions to keep it safe.

Keep it dry and cool

As well as staying away from direct sunlight, humidity levels and temperature should also be taken into consideration when storing your memorabilia. High levels of humidity, can cause damage to other objects. It is common, for example, for maps and documents to become yellowed or disintegrate if they are exposed to high humidity levels. Mold and mildew are attracted to humid environments.

To keep your memorabilia safe from damage caused by high levels of humidity, make sure that they are dry. Also, frequently expose it to fresh air.

Don’t stack items

Stacking items can cause damage to other items. Stacks are especially harmful for paintings, as their canvas can compress and become damaged. Stacking may cause sharp or pointy items like German daggers to damage other delicate items. To avoid stacking, store your memorabilia in individual containers or boxes. This can help keep all your memorabilia safe.


To keep your memorabilia safe,keep it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and high humidity levels. Avoid stacking and keep them dust-free.


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